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Graph the Solution of the System Calculator

Online Maths Calculators and Solvers

Easy to use online maths calculators and solvers for various topics. These may be used to check homework solutions, practice and explore with various values in order to gain deep understanding of skills and concepts. Calculators related to systems of equations, quadratic functions, slope, distance, line, determinant of matrices, inverses of matrices, circles, graphing calculators, time calculators, equations of lines, complex numbers, parabolas, exponential and logarithm, hyperbola, trigonometry, inverse trigonometric functions, fractions, polar and rectangular coordinates, factors and multiples, series, real numbers, integers, vectors, real numbers, probabilities, floor and ceiling and various math calculators, are included.

Solve Systems and Equations

Solve 3 by 3 Systems of Equations Using Inverse Matrix
Solve Systems of Equations: Solves 2 by 2 and 3 by 3 systems of linear equations.
Solve Quadratic Equations: Solves quadratic equations. The solutions may be real or complex.
Linear Equations Solver Calculator: Solves linear equations.

Quadratic Functions

Find Vertex and Intercepts of Quadratic Functions: Calculates the vertex and x and y intercepts of the graph of a quadratic function.
Factor Quadratic Expressions - Step by Step Calculator

Slope, Distance and Lines

Midpoint Calculator . Find the midpoint of a segment defined by two points.
Find the distance between a point and a line the general form ax + by = c.
Find Distance, Slope and Equation of Line: Find the distance between two points and the slope and equation of the line through the two points.
Slope Intercept Form of a Line - Calculator .
Point of Intersection of two Lines Calculator An online calculator to find the point(s) of intersection of two lines given by the equations :
a x + b y = c and d x + e y = f.

Determinant of a Matrix

Determinant of a 2 by 2 Matrix - Calculator. Find determinant of a 2 by 2 matrix.
Determinant of a 3 by 3 Matrix - Calculator. Find determinant of a 3 by 3 matrix.
Determinant of a 4 by 4 Matrix - Calculator.

Inverse of a Matrix

Find Inverse Matrix: Find the inverse of a 2 by 2 matrix.
Find Inverse of 3 by 3 Matrix - Calculator .


Points of Intersection of Two Circles - Calculator.
Three Points Circle Calculator.
Points of Intersection of Two Circles - Calculator.
Three Points Circle Calculator. Find the equation of a circle given three points on the circle.
Find x and y intercepts of Circles: Calculates the x and y intercepts of the graph of a circle given its center and radius.
Find center and the radius of a Circle: Calculates the coordinates of the center and radius of a circle given its equation.
Find Points Of Intersection of Circle and Line Calculates the coordinates of the points of intersection of a circle and a line.

Various Maths Calculators

Angular, Linear Speeds and Revolutions Calculator.
Step by Step Maths Worksheets Solvers
Complete the Square - Calculator.
Simplify Square Root Calculator
Binomial Theorem Expansion Calculators.
Online Step by Step Algebra Calculators and Solvers
Online Step by Step Calculus Calculators and Solvers

Graphing Calculators

Plotting Points in Rectangular Coordinate System Explore points and quadrants in a rectangular coordinate system.
Operations on Functions - Graphing Calculator Input two functions f and g and carry out operations such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and composing functions.
Graphing Calculator For Inverse Functions An online graphing calculator to draw the graph (in red) formed by reversing the ordered pairs corresponding to all points on the graph (blue) of a function f that you input.
Graphing Functions Calculator An online graphing calculator to graph and determine the properties of functions.

Time Calculators

Time Calculator . Add and subtract time given in hours, minutes and seconds form.
Convert time from decimal to Hours, Minutes and Seconds .
Convert time from Hours, Minutes and Seconds to decimal .

Find Equations of Lines

Find a Parallel Line Through a Point: Find a line that is parallel to another line and passes through a point.
Find a Perpendicular Line Through a Point: Find a line that is perpendicular to another line and passes through a point.

Complex Numbers

Add Complex Numbers: Add two complex numbers.
Multiply Complex Numbers: Multiply two complex numbers.
Divide Complex Numbers: Divides two complex numbers. Convert a Complex Number to Polar and Exponential Forms.
Operations on Complex Numbers in Polar Form


Find Points Of Intersection of Parabola and Line Calculates the coordinates of the points of intersection of a parabola and a line.
Focus of Parabolic Reflector Calculator .
Parabola Calculator Given its Vertex and a Point .


Find Points Of Intersection of Ellipse and Line Calculates the coordinates of the points of intersection of an ellipse and a line.


Find Points Of Intersection of Hyperbola and Line Calculates the coordinates of the points of intersection of a hyperbola and a line.

Exponential and Logarithms

Exponential Function Calculator. Calculate exponential b x , with the base b a positive real number and x any real number.
Exponential Growth Calculator and Grapher. Calculator and grapher to help you understand exponential growth problem.
Exponential Decay Calculator and Grapher. Calculator and grapher to help you understand exponential decay problem.
Compute exponentials and logarithms to any base.
Hyperbolic Functions Calculator
Exponential Equations Solver. An online calculator and solver for simple exponential equations.
Logarithmic Equations Solver. An online calculator and solver for simple logarithmic equations.


Convert Degrees into Radians.
Convert Radians into Degrees.
Degree Calculator. Add and subtract angles in degrees, minutes and seconds (DMS) form.
Sine Equations Solver. Online solver calculator for simple trigonometric equations with sine function of the form sin x = a.
Cosine Equations Solver. Online calculator and solver for trigonometric equations with cosine function of the form cos x = a.
Tangent Equations Solver. Online calculator and solver for simple trigonometric equations with tangent function of the form tan x = a.
Find the coterminal angle. A calculator to find the exact value of a coterminal angle to a given trigonometric angle.
The Six Trigonometric Functions Calculator. Online calculator that calculates the six trigonometric functions: sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), cot(x), sec(x) and csc(x) of a given angle.
Find The Reference Angle to a trigonometric angle in standard position.
Find the Quadrant of an Angle. Find the quadrant of an angle in standard position.
Convert Angles from Decimal to Degrees Degrees, Minutes and Seconds.
Convert Angles from Degrees, Minutes and Seconds to Decimal Degrees.

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Arcsin(x) Calculator. Calculate the inverse trigonometric function arcsin(x) in radians and degrees.
Arccos(x) Calculator. Calculate inverse trigonometric function arccos(x) in radians and degrees.
Arctan(x) Calculator. Calculate inverse trigonometric function arctan(x) in radians and degrees.
Arccot(x) Calculator. Calculate inverse trigonometric function arccot(x) in radians and degrees.
Arcsec(x) Calculator. Calculate inverse trigonometric function arcsec(x) in radians and degrees.
Arccsc(x) Calculator. Calculate inverse trigonometric function arccsc(x) in radians and degrees.

Polar and Rectangular Coordinates

Convert Polar to Rectangular Coordinates .
Convert Rectangular to Polar Coordinates .

Online Geometry Calculators and Solvers

Lowest Common Multiple, Greatest Common Factor, Prime Factors

Divisibility Test Calculator. An online calculator that tests whole numbers for visibility by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13.
Quotient and Remainder Calculator. An online calculator that computes the quotient and remainder of the division of two whole numbers.
Lowest Common Multiple (lcm) Calculator. Calculate the lowest common multiple of two positive integers.
Quotient and Remainder Calculator. An online calculator that computes the quotient and remainder of the division of two whole numbers.
Common Factors Calculator. An online calculator that computes the common factors and the GCF of two or more positive integers.
Greatest Common Factor (gcf) Calculator. Calculate the greatest common factor of two positive integers.
Prime Factors Calculator. Factor a positive integer into prime factors.

Add, multiply, divide and reduce fractions

Fractions Calculator. Reduce, add and multiply fractions with steps.
Fractions Addition Calculator. Add 2 or 3 fractions and reduce the final answer.
Multiply Fractions Calculator. Multiply 2 fractions and reduce the answer.
Divide Fractions Calculator. Divide 2 fractions and reduce the answer.
Reduce Fractions Calculator. Rewrite Fractions in reduced form.

Series Calculators

Arithmetic Series Online Calculator Online calculator to calculate the sum of the terms in an arithmetic sequence.
Geometric Series Online Calculator Online calculator to calculate the sum of the terms in a geometric sequence.

Real and Integer Numbers Calculators and Percentages

Sum of Positive Integers Calculator. An online calculator to calculate the sum of consecutive positive integers from N 1 to N 2 .
Sum of The Squares of Positive Integers Calculator. An online calculator to calculate the sum of the squares of consecutive positive integers from N 1 to N 2 . Sum of The Cubes of Positive Integers Calculator. An online calculator to calculate the sum of the cubes of consecutive positive integers from N 1 to N 2 . Multiplication Table Generator and Calculator. An online generator and calculator of multiplication tables.
Division Table Generator and Calculator. An online generator and calculator of division tables.
Add, Subtract and Multiply Integers Calculators. Three separate online calculators to add, subtract and multiply integers.
Square Root Calculator. Calculate the square root of a positive real number in decimal form.
Cube Root Calculator. Calculate the cube root of a real number in decimal form.
Percent Calculator and Solver .
Decimal to Binary, Hexadecimal and Octal Converter.
Prime Numbers Generator.
Rounding to Nearest Integer

Factorial, Binomial Coefficients, Combinations and Permutations Calculators

Binomial Coefficients Calculator. Calculate the binomial coefficients involved in a binomial expansion.
Factorial Calculator. Calculate the factorial of a positive integer.
Combinations Calculator. Calculate the number of combinations of n elements taken r at the time.
Permutations Calculator. Calculate the number of permutations of n elements taken r at the time.

Vector Calculators

Unit Vector Calculator .
Adding Vector Calculator .
Subtract Vector Calculator .
Scalar Multiplication of Vector Calculator .
Dot Product of Two Vectors - Calculator Input two vectors u and v and calculate the dot product of the two vectors.
Cross Product of Two Vectors Calculator Input two vectors u and v and calculate the cross product of the two vectors.
Magnitude and Direction of a Vector - Calculator Input a vector v in component form and calculate its magnitude and direction.
Angle Between Two 2D or 3D Vectors Calculator .

Floor and Ceiling Functions Calculators

Online Floor and Ceiling Functions Calculator An online calculator to calculate values of the floor and ceiling functions for a given value of the input x.

Probability Calculators

Binomial Probability Distribution Calculator An online calculator to calculate binomial probability distributions.

Temperature Calculators

Calculator to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
Calculator to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
Math Calculators and Solvers .

Graph the Solution of the System Calculator
