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How to Know if You Have a Concussion Quiz

Do I Have a Concussion Quiz

If you have some Concussion Symptoms, have this Do I Take a Concussion Quiz to find out if you have a balmy traumatic brain injury (MTBI) or not.

A Quick Quiz to Figure Out if Yous Have a Concussion

This quiz comes in handy if you are at home asking yourself, "Do I accept a concussion?" Commonly, a directly hit to your caput or a sudden milkshake might worry y'all about brain harm. And the test here examines your symptoms to come across if you have one.

· Analyzing the 21 symptoms.

According to Dr. Neha Pathak on WebMD, you lot can evaluate your condition by evaluating twenty-one factors, such as Confusion or feeling dazed, awkwardness, slurred speech, nausea or airsickness, headache, balance problems, dizziness, blurred vision. Still, it is challenging for a person to know and examine them right afterward an injury.

Note: After taking a blow to your caput, having ane of the MTBI symptoms is enough to diagnose y'all with the condition.

The Concussion Exam helps you overview symptoms, estimating the possibility of having the condition.

· Discovering possible MTBI grades.

A Traumatic Encephalon Injury can be mild or severe. Doctors propose three categories for MTBI based on its severity. The examination tin identify how dangerous your condition is by inspecting the signs you report.

Course 1: a concussion can be so mild that it lasts only a quarter of an hour or less.

Grade 2: sometimes, the injury might cause issues that last longer than 15 minutes. But as long as the patient does not lose consciousness, it is not considered a severe status.

Class 3: Your condition is severe if you lose consciousness and coma after a blow to your head or shake—even if information technology was for a couple of seconds.

· Reviewing the possibility of other TBIs.

A concussion is the mildest encephalon injury type. However, any accident involving damage to your head can cause other conditions, too. So, it is vital to make sure y'all are non facing other TBI types. The examination, therefore, reviews your symptoms for other possibilities besides.

Should I Take the Exam Before Visiting a Doctor?

You can take the test before seeing a doctor if you did not pass out afterward the blow, and the symptoms simply last less than fifteen minutes. But delight, brand certain to see a doctor as soon as possible if you blacked out subsequently the hitting and your symptoms are persistent long subsequently the blow.

The Concussion Quiz is a quick mode to brand certain what type of TBI you take. Merely it is not a medical diagnosis at all. You accept to let a doctor examine your situation to receive a 100% reliable answer.

Things to Do When You Have a Concussion

What if you lot took the examination, and the results were positive? If information technology says you have a Grade two or Form three MTBI, visit a doctor right abroad. Nonetheless, you tin do things if you feel completely fine and the results say you have a Course 1 status.

#1: Stop and relax.

A false conventionalities is that y'all might sleep into a coma afterwards a concussion. Notwithstanding, if your symptoms are gone in less than 15 minutes, you can get some rest and sleep with no worries. Make sure to avoid whatever intense activities for at least a couple of days.

#2: Have someone monitoring y'all.

If the Concussion Quiz says you take information technology or don't experience skillful in general, have someone keep an eye on you lot. Ask them to monitor your mental and physical state, beingness prepared to take you to a infirmary or call for an emergency if necessary.

#three: Don't take unprescribed medications.

Whatever you do, avoid whatsoever self-prescribed drugs after a possible Traumatic Brain Injury. Some medicines tin can worsen your situation, leading to unrecoverable amercement or fifty-fifty expiry.

#iv: See a doctor as presently every bit possible.

Regardless of the Concussion Test results, it is wise to let an Medico examine your symptoms after a worrying head injury.

Taking the Concussion Test Can Save Your Life

Traumatic Brain Injuries can be fatal. However, most of them are treatable if spotted early. MTBI is amid the conditions that benefit from an early on diagnosis. So, taking the quick test on this page might help you end farther amercement and kickoff your treatment promptly.

Some Eye-Opening Concussion Facts to Know

  • 5 to 4 1000000 athletes face up concussions each year in the United States.
  • The bulk of MTBI cases heal with no particular medical treatment.
  • You might face PCS or Post-Concussion Syndrome later a head injury.
  • 50%-80% of MTBI cases remain undiagnosed.
  • Encephalon damage after a blow to your caput can proceed for 24 to 48 hours.
  • Contact sports carry higher risks of causing TBIs.

What if the Concussion Quiz Outcome Was Negative?

Yous nonetheless need to take things seriously. An online exam is not enough to examine all your symptoms. Brain damages can be catchy to diagnose. So, consult a dr. fifty-fifty if the examination says you do not have a concussion. Steven Laureys, Doctor Ph.D., the manager of the Coma Science Group, says, "encephalon is fragile. If yous shake it, you break information technology." So, make sure your frail and vital organ is nonetheless healthy later taking damage.


The Concussion Quiz is non a medical tool to diagnose the condition. You should not rely on the results for whatever health-related decisions. Only a trained MD can diagnose you with a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.

Questions of the quiz

  • Question 1

    Did something or someone hit your head or milkshake your trunk?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 1

    • No

    • Aye, it was a slight blow

    • Yes, it was a balmy blow

    • Yes, it was a heavy blow

  • Question ii

    Exercise you feel dazed?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 2

    • No

    • I felt that way for less than 15 min.

    • I felt that way for about xv-xx min.

    • I notwithstanding feel dazed

  • Question three

    Do you feel like yous became clumsy subsequently something hit your head?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 3

    • No

    • I don't think so

    • For a short period, yes

    • I still feel clumsy

  • Question four

    Did your speech get slurry after the accident to your head or body?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 4

    • No

    • I don't run across any obvious difference

    • It was a flake slurry right later the impact/blow

    • Yes, information technology'south still slurry

  • Question 5

    Do you experience nauseous and sick?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 5

    • No

    • I felt that for a brusk time (less than 5 min.)

    • I felt nauseous for almost 15 min.

    • Yes, I still experience nauseous.

  • Question 6

    How bad is your headache? (If yous have any).

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 6

    • I take no headache

    • I had a mild headache for less than 5 min.

    • I had a mild headache for about fifteen min.

    • I still have a severe headache.

  • Question 7

    Is information technology difficult for you lot to walk in a straight line and maintain your balance?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 7

    • No

    • It wasn't piece of cake right after the blow

    • It was difficult for a couple of hours

    • Aye, it is still difficult

  • Question eight

    Is your vision blurred?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 8

    • No

    • It was blurred for a couple of seconds

    • It was blurred for a couple of minutes

    • Information technology is however blurred later on a couple of hours

  • Question nine

    Have you lot become sensitive to light or noise?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 9

    • No

    • I don't call back then

    • For a brusque menstruum

    • Yes, I became sensitive to light/noise

  • Question 10

    Practise you feel like yous accept become sluggish?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 10

    • No

    • Yes, but only for a couple of minutes

    • Yes, but simply for a couple of hours

    • Information technology's been days, and I notwithstanding feel sluggish

  • Question 11

    Are your ears ringing?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 11

    • No

    • They did for a curt period

    • They rang for a couple of hours

    • They are still ringing after days

  • Question 12

    Do people think that your personality or mood has inverse of a sudden and unpredictably?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 12

    • No

    • They used to

    • Only a few people

    • Yep, everyone thinks that mode

  • Question 13

    How piece of cake is it for yous to concentrate?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 13

    • Very easy

    • Easy

    • Slightly challenging

    • Extremely Challenging

  • Question 14

    Did you lot blackout after the blow to your head?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 14

    • Nothing hit my head

    • No, I did not

    • I'm not sure

    • Aye, I did

  • Question 15

    Have you experienced any sort of retentiveness loss lately?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 15

    • No

    • I don't think so

    • Yes, a very mild forgetfulness

    • Yes, I tin't recall lots of things

  • Question sixteen

    Do you feel sleepy for no apparent reason?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 16

    • No

    • Not now

    • Yep, a scrap

    • Yes, a lot

  • Question 17

    Do you take any issues with taste or olfactory property?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 17

    • No

    • Not anymore

    • Possibly

    • Yes

  • Question xviii

    Is your thinking slowed later the blow the head injury?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 18

    • No

    • Not now

    • I think then

    • I don't even know

  • Question 19

    Are y'all facing problems sleeping?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 19

    • No

    • I used to take mild problems

    • Sleeping is a flake challenging due to hurting

    • I tin't sleep at all

  • Question twenty

    Do y'all feel more than depressed these days?

    Quiz: Do I Have a Concussion? Based on 20 Signs and Symptoms 20

    • No

    • Non now

    • Perhaps

    • yes
